
Friday, December 1, 2017

Packed the taste test to go for happy hour tonight!

They cleaned me out! Most common response was: can I have more!? But I am starting to see some trends in the toasted vs. untoasted!

Continued from:

via Instagram

Running totals:
Which one do you like better or Can you tell which one has the toasted spices?
2 - NO DIFFerence

Of the 6 for TOASTED:
5 - mixed combo of spices
1- cinnamon only

Of the 2 for NO DIFF:
2- cinnamon only

Some interesting comments have been:
 - the untoasted sample tasted sweeter, but the toasted sample tasted more flavorful
 - the untoasted tasted more strongly of cinnamon

We have sulfur reduction with C.freundii 🤛

More toasted spice taste testing! Made 2 versions of shortbread and sent them with...

More toasted spice taste testing! Made 2 versions of shortbread and sent them with...
continued from:

my mom so the WV crew could be tasters for me!
You guys have to try each one and let me know which one you like better


 if they taste the same


via Instagram

So far the running totals are:
2 for TOASTED spices tasting better and distinguishable
2 for NO DIFFerence

Of the 2 for TOASTED:
1 - mixed combo of spices
1- cinnamon only

Of the 2 for NO DIFF:
2- cinnamon only
